DIY Project 95% Completed

It's finally has been a tiring 6 days of moving, painting...up and down stairs....measuring, drilling and cleaning up. Alot of work has been done. And I didn't do it alone, my dad's been a great help. Without his help I wouldn't have completed my project in just 6 days! It is kinda fun doing activities with your dad. You guys should do it once in a while.

Anyways, the only thing that is left undone is fixing up the lights and a piece of my shelf is missing. Had a last minute change of plans and extended the shelf length. So I gotta go back to IKEA for another piece and for a carpet. A big one.

Doing something like this gave me a sense of accomplishment on my vacation back home. Not just lounging about doing nothing. Now I just gotta find for something else to do.

Some pics of the makeover:

Drilled 12 holes for the shelves....