Belvedere Luxury Vodka

Woke up tired this morning but surprisingly without the headache considering the amount of vodka I chugged down last nite. Yeah, was the Belvedere Luxury Vodka launch at Sunshine Modern Bar. Only managed to RSVP a few people only before the event, so only Me, Randi, Vincent, Brenda and Eddie. A small group but we had loads of fun.

As we walked into the bar, we were ushered in front for our we know how the celebs feels. 6 cameramen were shooting away at us. LOL. The event is held at Sunshine Bar to promote their Ice Bar too. It's a bar where the inside temperature is at a constant 0. Keep things chilled, no?

Vodka served in Ice Shot!

A little info on Belvedere, apparently it's the world's first luxury vodka. Belvedere is marketed as being distilled longer than most other vodkas. The lengthy distillation of the drink is said to make it much smoother. Which is true, when I drank went down easy and smooth. Not like the ones I drank in Kazakhstan...hard and almost makes me throw up.

It was kinda boring inside then we decided to take it outside, where he get to see all the invited celebrities and the Ice Queen with an albino python around her. Each of us took turns to have our picture taken with the python but not Eddie. He was terrified of the little guy. LOL.

The night ended with the ladies driving us home. It was fun hanging out with friends at bars once in awhile.