Heaven's Swarovski

As the title says, fresh snow on the ground with the sun shining on it makes it look heaven peppered the earth with swarovski crystals. Everything just sparkles. Get to be a "Sua Ku", was so excited when checking out snow flakes that fell on my black jacket, I can see each of the unique design of the flake. Such beauty.

Last night was out on a rush job. Kinda came last minute, was ready for bed and suddenly got a call for a job at 3AM. So I packed and made sure I took extra clothes for layering. Since it gets pretty cold at during dead hours in the night...I mean really really cold. Say -35 degrees. So we got there and unloading the equipment from the truck and it started to snow. Little at first then it got heavy. The snow lasted till 10AM.

With 6inches of snow, my shoe was covered to the top. Luckily I bought myself a ski pants...and it kept my legs dry from the snow. Money well spent. Apparently last night it wasn't that cold, it was perfect to work in. It was around 5 to 10 degrees and it was great. Kinda gotten used to the cold temperature except when it drops below zero, that is a different story altogether.