Updates! Updates!

It's been soooo long since my last post...yeah I know...I'm lazy. Alot has happened since then. Don't even know where to start. Let me give you the short story. Hmmm...I have been chasing for my salary and rig bonus for the past week or so...the smart alec people in the payroll department seems to have made an error on the swift code, the code tells the banks where the location of the account is. Maybank Malaysia is MBBEMYKL, the douche bag that made the mistake wrote MBBEMYKA which is the code for Labuan's Mayban Berhad. Sheesh. Apparently my money got bounced off Labuan and headed back to New York. And now they are trying to sort it out....and I'm broke! Of all the time to make a mistake.

That's a recent news. Oh....my good friend Anderson and his wife, Zoe went back to China after a short 2 week holiday here. Kinda fun when he's around, we went to a bar called Just Divine, which is co-owned by Randi's brother. A bunch of us got together there and chilled out. It has been 6 years since the last similar event. Long overdue. Although I missed out on the Japanese buffet outing at KLCC. Busy lar.

Just today, the 5 day Vacation Bible School (VBS) at Klang Wesley Methodist Church ended. Randi was one of the coordinator for the event. This event is for sunday school kids, they have bible lessons, games, craft and lots of activities. I sort of helped out for the first 2 days, after that I disappeared into the wind. LOL. I just found out the noise level that 150 children makes. Totally deafening! Even the disco feng-thau speakers loses out! Haha. Glad that's over liao, Randi was poofed after the 5 day event. At least the kids gone back home happy and with bible knowledge.

Oh, just heard that a family friend was denied his Datukship title today, he was invited to accept the Datuk title sometime ago but now being denied it. The reason for his predicament? He was charged in the court of law for stealing a bicycle more than 20 years ago! Back then he was poor, but now he has multiple legitimate businesses and is a respected businessman. A little black mark that happened years ago that you think will not harm you in the future, apparently came back to bite you in the ass. A lesson here people.....Don't get caught! I mean...do good.

Gonna try to update more lah. Wanna play some CS now.