Is this the cause of Malaysia's problems?

Was surfing the net and some forums, stumbled upon an interesting topic, education level comparison between Malaysian and Singaporean ministers. I'm not sure they are true or not, use Google to find out if you want.

The circulated email is making our Malaysian ministers a joke.....true? You decide.

Singapore and Malaysia's Minister

PM Lee Hsien Loong
Cambridge University - First Class Honours (1974)
Harvard University - Masters (1980)

PM Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi
University of Malaya - Bachelor of Arts Honours (1964)

SM Goh Chok Tong
University of Singapore - First Class Honours (1964)
Williams College , USA - Masters (1967)

Deputy PM Dato' Sri Najib Razak
University of Nottingham - Bachelor of Arts Honours (1974)

MM Lee Kuan Yew
Cambridge University - First Class Honours (1949)

Minister of Foregn Affairs Syed Hamid Albar
(can someone tell me his univeristy? )- Bachelor of Arts [ UITM ]

Minister for Law Prof. S Jayakumar
University of Singapore - Bachelor of Law Honours (1963)
Yale Univerity - Masters (1966)

Ministry of Works- Dato' Seri Samy Vellu
(Education Unknown) [ Form 6, Anderson School ]

Minister for Home Affairs Wong Kan Seng
University of Singapore - Bachelor of Arts & Business Admin (1977)
London Business School - Masters (1979)

Ministry of International Trade & Industry Rafidah binti Aziz
Universiti Malaya - Bachelor of Arts Honours

Minister for Foreign Affairs BG George Yeo
Cambridge University - Double First Class Honours (1976)
Harvard Business School - MBA w/ Distinction (1985)

Minister of Agriculture Muhyiddin Yassin
(Education Unknown) [ Polytechnic Ungku Omar ]

Minister for Trade and Industry Lim Hng Kiang
Cambridge University - First Class Honours w/ Distinction (1976)
Harvard University - Masters (1986)

Ministry of Domestic Trade Shafie Apdal
(Education Unknown) [ Form 5, Failed English ]

Minister for Defence Teo Chee Hean
University of Manchester - First Class Honours (1976)
Imperial College, London - Masters w/ Distinction (1977)

Minister of Education Hishammuddin Hussein
(Education Unknown) [ Bachelor of Arts, Social Science ]

Minister for Education Tharman Shanmugaratnam
London School of Economics - Bachelor of Arts
Cambridge University - Masters
Harvard University - Masters

Minister of Home Affairs Radzi bin Sheikh Ahmad
(Education Unknown) [ Kolej Islam Malaysia , Diploma ]



7:25 PM

Granted that the Malaysian Ministers are mostly of lower academic qualifications than the Ministers from Singapore, however to be fair it is also a fact that one of them has a PhD. and another is a Medical Doctor.
This comparison of acadamic achievements of Ministers of our two neighbouring countries has been the subject of glee by many Bloggres but non seem to be doing it in all seriousness with the facts right. It is also puzzling to me why the Malaysian side does not seem to bother coming out with the actual academic qualifications of their Hon. Ministers. If there is a sense of inferiority, surely they can do something about it.


12:15 PM

Aye...notably is our former PM Dr.Mahathir Mohamad. He has numerous doctorate and is very well known in every country that I have been. One of the greatest mind of Malaysia.
It's just not about qualifications but individual capabilities.