Home Soon...

I just came back from another all-nighter, didn't sleep for 24hrs. A long job with all the tools being ran. Very chilly also, dropped to -4 around midnight. Been quite awhile since last posted. Didn't have much to tell except working details. The time has finally come, I'll be heading home in 3days. Will be spending 2 nights in Alamaty. Stretch my legs a bit around the city and get some real food. I have been eating weird tasting, bland, same crap different day kind of stuff. And I am getting sick of it. It's always just beef and potatoes. Time to find some real food, but my craving is for home cook food and our local Malaysian food! Just thinking about it makes me fidgety.

Time to get packing. Can't wait to get away from this place. Just 3 more days! WOOHOO!