Starry starry Night

The sky is clear tonight, at 8pm when I was outside....I saw 4 distinct bright objects in the night sky. 2 at the North-NorthWest horizon and other 2 at the SouthEast. I knew that they were not stars but planets, so I brought out my telescope for a better view.

At the NorthWest, it turns out to be Venus on the left and Saturn on the right. Such magnificent clarity and brightness. Even Venus is only half revealed, it still outshines everything else in the sky.



At the SouthEast horizon, I could see Jupiter and it's 3 moons clearly! The largest planet in our solar system. At first I thought the 3 objects were distant stars. To look for Jupiter, look for the brightest object at the SouthEast, it is left to an orange star. The orange star next to it is Antares, part of the Scorpius constellation.

The pictures shows exactly how the planets are aligned as seen through my telescope. What you see here is what I saw just now. Tomorrow or the day after that around 8PM, just look towards these horizons and search for them, you will be intrigued.