My Dell Inspiron 1520

It has finally arrived! My spanking brand new Dell Inspiron 1520! They delivered it earlier than said, which is a good thing. I couldn't sit in the house waiting for excited. I slowly opened the box and Voila!....White and smooth. Huge though.

With the 15.4" screen and the 9-cell battery, it is quite heavy. A little thick but this is NOT a business laptop so don't compare it with business or Ultra Mobile versions, with it's is suitable for a replacement desktop and for gamers on the move.

My specs:

T7100 1.8Ghz 800FSB
2GB 667Mhz Rams
15.4" WXGA (1280x800) with TrueLife
NVidia 8600M GT 256MB

The only complain that I have so far is the LCD is quite noticeable from a certain angle. But not so bad. The brightness level is can increase it more within the Nvidia control panel, practically turned my whole screen white with it. The viewing angle of the screen is quite good, I ran a HD quality anime and view it from the side angle and it still looks good. My monitor is just WXGA 1280x800, but to's more than enough.

The bootup speed is blazing!

So far I've just installed FEAR and ran the test.
With both the CPU and Graphics settings on High and VSync ON....63% between 25-40 FPS, the remaining 37% is above 40FPS. Gonna test C&C3 and COH shortly.

Now I just need to get familiarized with the whole Vista shabang.