Checked your tangki air lately?

Last week there was a water cut for half a day at my area, must be SYABAS up to their diggin'. It's never ending, there's no proper sewage and piping planning in the first place and when things go south....they bring in contractors to dig up and replace somewhat larger pipes to carry water away. Guess what? A few months later....same thing happens again....with the same pipes at the same area. That's money being put to good use! Tax payer's ringgit!

Anyhoo, after the water interruption, the water from my tap still has a slight tinge of brown despite changing the water filter outside. So I decided to clean the tangki air. Wanted to take a look at our water tank above the 2nd living hall ceiling, pop a ladder and up I was dark up at the "attic", had to bite on to a flash light. Removed the lid and peered into the slightly murky water....stick my hand in it and scraped the bottom of the tank....It sent shivers down my back....I pulled out my arm and my fingers were covered with brown icky gooey stuff. Bleahh! That's what 6 years of Klang water will do to your tank.

Water through the tap after the tank's been "kacau"....all the icky sediments!

It took me 6hrs to remove and clean any goop that is in the tank. What a chore! Had a sore back the next day. But the effort was well worth it....knowing that the water I bathe and wash my face with is clean!

Have you checked your tangki air lately?