Wrong Time, Wrong Place

Just got a briefing from our security officer, there's a demonstration going on in Karachi that's making its way here to Islamabad. They call it the Long March. This march is to force president Musharaff to resign but guess what.....the Americans wants Musharaff to stay as president of Pakistan. Now that is bad mix. Powder keg waiting to go off.

And since I am working for an American company...that might pose a problem. So we are told to stay in the staff house for a couple of days till this thing blows over or cool down. Islamabad has already announced a lock down of the city. Nothing coming in or out till further notice. Containers are being used as road blocks.....extra security check points.....not like that's a new thing here.

At least I am staying in a fancy staff house. A huge bungalow with 4 butlers. Just spend more time watching TV I guess.