Great Entertainment in unrest land...

Yesterday, my boss came up to me...told me that we're going out to get a PS3 for our staff house. I thought he was pulling my leg.....but he was dead serious. I jumped up from my seat and we left the office heading the Blue Area. Went to this entertainment store that sells tons of bootleg dvds.

PS3 here is quite pricey compare to other countries....Egypt's the most least USD1000 for just the console. We grabbed our brand new PS3 and head back home. Finally we can put our 42" LCD to good use. Guillerme tore open the packaging like a kid on christmas morning. It was a pain to have the HDMI cable plugged into the LCD, gotta remove the whole thing from the wall.

Anyways, after messing with some cables and some settings. Voila! Hi-def! Only game we bought was Winning Eleven soccer. Games here are expensive. Gonna bring some when I'm back home.

Now who says we can't have fun in this country?