Day 1 - May 22, KLIA Farewell Malaysia

Leaving the house in the car at 9:30pm with my dad, mom, aunt and my girlfriend. Its only an hour drive but this particular seems like forever. Sitting in the car, talking. As we near the airport, my heart seems to get heavier....confused. Knowing that i'm leaving for good this time....and my first time leaving home for a long time. Held on to my gal in the car as tightly as possible. *sigh*

Reached the airport quarter to 11. Unload the luggage unto the trolley, find my way to the check-in counter. My flight's at 2am from KLIA to Dubai, a 7hour flight. Then a 5hour transit for a flight to Tripoli, Libya. Another 7hour flight.

After that we stopped by a cafe to get a drink and wait for my boarding call. I can already see the sadness and loneliness in my girlfriend's eyes. Makes me feel worse leaving her behind...but i know that I must do this ....for our future and my family. Gotta give them a good life. I think that's what's giving me the courage to leave. And also with God's blessing.

We chatted till it was already 1am...time to go. Just before heading to the checkpoint, we took a short walk around...she held me close....tears started to form in her eye....i almost cried. I hugged her, kissed her and told her that it will be okay....that i will be back very soon. After she gains her composure, we walked back to my parents.

Grabbed my bags, gave my mom a big long hug....she was already crying. I couldn't hold it in...tears flowed. Then my aunt, then my dad. Lastly my gal, I held her i'm not willing to let her go....we both cried...saying our last goodbyes and kisses for now. I whispered some words to her in hopes of soothing her heart.

Then I took the escalator down.....waving as I walk towards the immigration gate. They're at the balcony above....waving....i waved back. After passing through the gate....i looked back as image of them slowly heart sank.

Farewell my love....