Sooo many months has passed....

Looking at the last post, it has been 4 months liao. Pretty long....due to reasons such as....laziness. Not sure why but I think blogging is not my thing. Anyway, the reason I blog is not because of recognition or rantings. I just want to keep this like my little life tabs hence the blog title "WildChai's Journey". I keep forgetting things nowadays...apparently I have a pretty bad memory. I can barely recall anything from my past....even the good ones. Dang. By the time I am a grand-daddy, I would have probably drawn a blank when telling a story to my cucu & cicits.

Not sure why....maybe I have very limited storage space in my noggin'. That's why what I am trying to remember the good ones. But everyday I keep filling my head with nonsense. From work to movies to animes. Sheesh...good waste of space.

Gotta find something more productive to put my mind to. Learning a new language, playing a musical instrument, reading a good book.

Alot has happened these past months....the Marriot Hotel Islamabad bombing and I was there...well, somewhere around very very near. I felt the tremors, see the smoke but dare not venture any nearer. Bombings here tend to happen twice within the span of a few hours. So best to keep away from public it with foreigners or locals. The bombing happened on the same night as my flight back home. I was being selfish wondering whether my flight would be canceled or delayed cos once anything this serious happens in our city, the company tend to issue a lockdown....meaning every expat employee are to stay indoors. No taking a walk, no shopping and no work. I was waiting for our safety manager in Dubai to make the call whether to let me fly home or not....and he did. It was all green for me. After missing 2 birthdays....I am finally home for my own birthday.

What else? .....Oh.....our wonderful 7th anniversary of being together with my babe. Yeah, by me mentioning "7 Years" to people....I tend to draw flak like B52 bombers during the Hiroshima bombing run. Yes...Yes....time to settle down....I will get to it....soon. Hey, things are really expensive nowadays, I am just building up my piggy bank resources. And that is one major piggy. Since I was away from home on that wonderful day....she suggested that we have an internet interesting. We set up a time, and order the same food so we can sit in front of the webcam and eat it "together". Haha...yes it might sound cheesy to you maroons but we enjoyed it. Before laughing your ass off, think about it.....have you done anything for your loved ones lately?

Till I decide to write another day.....