A Day With the Fishies

It was me gal's birthday a few days ago so I took her to a special place....somewhere different. The Aquaria at KLCC. I was surprised at how well maintained the place was, for a Malaysian tourist spot. The fishes were all fat! Which means they are really well taken care of.

We arrived there at about 3:40PM, hoping to catch the shark feeding but had just missed it. Anyways, we still got the whole place to explore. The entrance fee for MyKad holders is RM 28 but with e-coupons I printed out from their website, we got RM2 off per ticket. Nice.

Started the "expedition" with the DNA Pool, where 3 shallow tanks is filled with docile sea animals for visitors to touch. When I saw a pool filled with sharks....baby sharks to be exact...I immediately stick my hand in and stroke them little buggers. Soft, smooth and squishy! Me gal joined in the fun, she grabbed one of them long enough for me to take a snapshot.

First section is the turtle and terrapin tanks, with all our local variety of armored swimmers. Such majestic creatures, swimming gracefully with their calm look. Can't imagine people would slaughter them for their shells.

The rainforest section has little display cases with smaller and more elusive animals. Reptiles and Amphibians. 2 frogs caught my attention, one is HUGE! and the other is weird and slimy looking. Cool but weird!

Can you spot the geckos?

Lower level is the home of the fishies. A huge cylinder tank in the middle houses a bunch of fishes that really looks like piranhas! We spent most of our time here, there are so many fascinating animals here. Another shallow tank shows a few species of rays, box fishes and sharks. 2 manta rays were particularly playful, often coming close flapping it's "wings" on surface....managed to touch it as it glides off. Cool!

The part I was looking forward to the whole trip was the 90metre underwater tunnel! It even has a travelator! This is a gigantic fish tank that houses all sorts of marine life that you will only see in documentaries. From Napoleon fishes to SandTiger sharks. We felt that we were really scuba diving and the sharks were so close that we can almost feel it.....creepy! There were a couple of sharks that are really big, up to 10feet long...or even longer! With rows of sharp teeth!

A little ways further, a section for the weird and wonderful. And it really is, there was a little cylindrical tank with floating seashells....to my surprise they were Nautilus...the living fossils! What a sight. They survived unchanged for millions of years! They look like aliens with tentacles and BIG eyes.

What an experience! I'm glad that I brought her to aquaria, something that we both can enjoy and experience. There were many more pictures that I didn't upload and many more things that we saw. Just a review and our little expedition.