iPhone Unlocked!

Some dude in Malaysia has it!! Jeless!!

No, that is not mine....yet. LOL. I have been eyeing on the iPhone since the design was released some time ago. And when it launched in the US, I was thinking of getting a friend to get me one and courier it to me. But to my dismay, turns out that the iPhone is sim-locked with AT&T which means it only works with that service provider. News of the availability of the iPhone in Asia is 2008.

But now my friends! Everyone can own it! A six-man team called iPhoneSimFree has released a software that can unlock the iPhone carrier's lock! No need to mess with the hardware. It has been tested and reviewed by the experts at engadgets.com.

"We can confirm with 100% certainty that iPhoneSIMfree.com's software solution completely SIM unlocks the iPhone, is restore-resistant, and should make the iPhone fully functional for users outside of the US", said hardware expert Ryan Block.

...and that is good news to us all eh? Now all I need is an iPhone.

Adieu Mon Frère

Haih....just came back from the airport. My brother has left for Abu Dhabi, back to work. A month ago I was worried that I wouldn't get to see him as I was suppose to leave for Kazakhstan too. But turns out that he came and left.....and I'm still here. At least we get to spend some time together as a whole family. Hopefully when he's back for CNY 2008, I will be able to meet him in Malaysia for my break.
We all miss him dearly....pray that he gets his rotation.

Young and Dangerous?

It's been awhile since I last posted on me blog. A busy month. Although the funeral was a lengthy ordeal, I managed to get through it. Seen alot of stuff during that 5 days....some funny....some weird. But the thing that caught my attention was on the 3rd night, about a hundred of gangstas came to pay their last respect....Hong Kong style! I only thought it only happens in the movies! Friends of the family.

What a hectic month....

It's been a long 2 weeks....a little of joy and grief. A week ago, my family and I went on a 5 days trip down to Singapore. Had a lot of fun and had very little sleep. Some holiday huh? Will post more of this event later....with pictures.

And this week, things didn't turn out quite good....my grandmother passed away yesterday afternoon. Although we weren't very close, it's sad. I have no idea how the chinese customs are about these things....apparently we are holding a 5 day tribute to my grandmother before she is laid to rest.

Will write more after I get back from the night ceremony....a lengthy process.


MyKad....Never Leave Home Without It!

It's amazing that our Malaysian police force can go to great lengths to persecute and prosecute a person who did not commit murder, rape nor armed robbery. This is a case of a 19 year old teenager, for his only "crime" is failure to present his identity card to a police officer.

Being detained, charged in a court, slapped with a RM1000 bail and now in a prison cell for months awaiting for a retrial. Wish the gomen can show such tenacity towards "real" criminals. Good effort....wrong reasons.

Remember to bring your MyKad wherever you go!

Full story:
The STAR: Teen detained for months after failing to produce MyKad

Get In Line!

A nice read and a nice reminder of Malaysian "un-common courtesy". Refer back to my old post.

Source Malay Mail
04 August, 2007

I CANNOT stand people who jump the queue. Whenever anyone commits this transgression in my presence, I take a deep breath and look at it as a personal invitation to do some scolding. One time, this well-dressed man cut my line to pay a parking ticket. When I realized what was happening, I marched to the paybooth to point out what he had done. Without even looking at me, he curtly said, “I’m in a hurry.”

Big mistake. I made sure I blocked his exit path and expended some of his precious time to let him know that other people’s time mattered too.

I am a bit impetuous, and looking back it was lucky he didn’t shove me out of the way or worse, smack me. But I strongly feel people shouldn’t think their time matters more than others.

The only time I held my tongue was when I was about to pay a parking ticket. I was about to tick off the rude man who cut my line, when I noticed his young son staring at me. On one hand, I could have politely reminded him that he was doing wrong. But I was concerned that witnessing his daddy getting reprimanded might somehow irrevocably scar the boy’s psyche. I kept quiet, and if the situation ever repeated itself, I still don’t know what I’d do.

While you might grumble when people cut your line, here’s what to do the next time it happens.

1. If it’s a case of someone letting his friends cut the line, then tap the person on the shoulder, and in the most friendliest, loudest voice, politely ask that since he’s being so generous, you’d like to be in front of him too. He will most likely be defensive. Smile. Ask again, and again, until he is embarrassed.

2. If it’s someone who is trying to inch into the line, then inform him where the line starts. During a warehouse sale my colleagues did this, when a young girl cut into the line of those who had been queuing for close to an hour. What bugged her was that while a pregnant lady and a mother with a toddler could line up, the young girl chose to cut in. The offended party immediately directed a volley of words towards the social sinner, throwing the line, “You don’t deserve a Malaysian passport.” It caught on as a catchphrase in the office for a while.

Oh, in case you’re the one planning to cut the line, then just remember this. You might just be unfortunate enough to do it in front of me.

Sujartha K.
Assistant editor, Lifestyle

Audi R8 Ciplak

Left: Audi R8 / Right: Kia Coupe

I have always been a fan of Audi, their designs are always a step ahead of other car manufacturers. Like the latest Audi R8, a mean sleek looking piece of technology. If you have seen the Audi R8, you would want to own it. But after looking at the price, after our Malaysia Boleh taxes....you would just want to get the wallpaper for eye candy.

Wanting to compete against BMW, Lexus and Mercedes. Kia came up with their very own "supercar", a new 2.0L turbocharged engine that is being developed by Hyundai. A lookalike of the Audi R8 which cost only a fraction of it. The fact that the coupe bears some resemblance to an Audi is not by chance, since Kia tasked ex-Audi designer Peter Schreyer to design it.

So for all the Wira-Evo-Wannabe owners, soon you'll be able to own a Kia-R8-Wannabe.

A Day With the Fishies

It was me gal's birthday a few days ago so I took her to a special place....somewhere different. The Aquaria at KLCC. I was surprised at how well maintained the place was, for a Malaysian tourist spot. The fishes were all fat! Which means they are really well taken care of.

We arrived there at about 3:40PM, hoping to catch the shark feeding but had just missed it. Anyways, we still got the whole place to explore. The entrance fee for MyKad holders is RM 28 but with e-coupons I printed out from their website, we got RM2 off per ticket. Nice.

Started the "expedition" with the DNA Pool, where 3 shallow tanks is filled with docile sea animals for visitors to touch. When I saw a pool filled with sharks....baby sharks to be exact...I immediately stick my hand in and stroke them little buggers. Soft, smooth and squishy! Me gal joined in the fun, she grabbed one of them long enough for me to take a snapshot.

First section is the turtle and terrapin tanks, with all our local variety of armored swimmers. Such majestic creatures, swimming gracefully with their calm look. Can't imagine people would slaughter them for their shells.

The rainforest section has little display cases with smaller and more elusive animals. Reptiles and Amphibians. 2 frogs caught my attention, one is HUGE! and the other is weird and slimy looking. Cool but weird!

Can you spot the geckos?

Lower level is the home of the fishies. A huge cylinder tank in the middle houses a bunch of fishes that really looks like piranhas! We spent most of our time here, there are so many fascinating animals here. Another shallow tank shows a few species of rays, box fishes and sharks. 2 manta rays were particularly playful, often coming close flapping it's "wings" on surface....managed to touch it as it glides off. Cool!

The part I was looking forward to the whole trip was the 90metre underwater tunnel! It even has a travelator! This is a gigantic fish tank that houses all sorts of marine life that you will only see in documentaries. From Napoleon fishes to SandTiger sharks. We felt that we were really scuba diving and the sharks were so close that we can almost feel it.....creepy! There were a couple of sharks that are really big, up to 10feet long...or even longer! With rows of sharp teeth!

A little ways further, a section for the weird and wonderful. And it really is, there was a little cylindrical tank with floating seashells....to my surprise they were Nautilus...the living fossils! What a sight. They survived unchanged for millions of years! They look like aliens with tentacles and BIG eyes.

What an experience! I'm glad that I brought her to aquaria, something that we both can enjoy and experience. There were many more pictures that I didn't upload and many more things that we saw. Just a review and our little expedition.