
A full 6 weeks here and only been to one job.....not making any money. Sigh. At least I get to have some action. Makori-2, this site is slightly nearer than the previous Manzalai field. On our way here...we were escorted by a pickup full of armed soldiers. We stopped at a coffee shop to take a break, the soldiers was walking around telling people to stand back or to be more precise...stay away from us foreigners. Sheesh...wouldn't that make us a more obvious targets?!

The job lasted 3 days....we ran an imaging and a sonic tool. Simple...but we ran into some complications. Pretty bad hole.

My Google Map....zoom in & see

By now you would have realize that there's banner of Google map right on top. The marker...the red spot thingey.....If you zoom in close enough, it is right on top of the staff house that I am staying in Islamabad.

To the north-west of the map, the huge square building. That is the Faisal Mosque. I have posted the pictures on the previous post.

The Faisal of Saudi Arabia

Counting down the days.....

It's difficult to get used to being away for the first week.....and much harder on the last few days before heading home. The anxiety. Just another 3 days and I'm on a plane flying back home. The past 3 weeks, hell almost broke loose here. With all the bombings and kidnappings happening almost everyday.

There was a big blast at the Melody area, the place where we had dinner just the previous night. A suicide bomber took down 20 people, mostly policemen after a rally being held in front of the Red Mosque. For most of you who don't know, there's a sad story behind this little mosque. Last year, following some disputes and protests in the mosque....the government sent in a squad of armed military guards and mowed down everyone in the mosque....the death toll was by the hundreds...even thousands. Crowd control? More like genocide.

Glad that I'll be back home for a few weeks, away from all this.