Manzalai 5

My first job in Pakistan. The rig is located on Manzalai field nearing the border of Afghanistan. We set out in the afternoon and arrive late evening. It was difficult to grab any nice pictures with the driver putting the pedal to the metal. It was a rough 5 hr ride. As we were nearing the a town called Kohat, the oil company sent 2 trucks with security personnels armed with sub-machine guns to escort us to the rig. Reason being that we were nearing the Afghan border, and Talibans have some nasty activities around there. Raids and attacks. Gun fights...RPGs flying., seriously.

Just came back last night, job got delayed. Was on standby for 6 days on site. Rotting in the camp. They have nice food though....better than the ones I had back in the staff house. Apparently the rig got lost while drilling....couldn't find the intended zone. Might take another week or two.

Never thought that Pakistan has such a beautiful countryside, it was hilly but filled with green. The rig is smack right in the hills. A nice change of scenery for me...since I have been with the company, I have only worked in deserts.

Bridge built by the British in 1905