Prison Break Season 3

It is finally here.....the 3rd season of an exciting tv series that has everybody glued to their chairs. The first episode titled OrientaciĆ³n was aired in the States on the 17th but thanks to some good samaritan we get to watch it almost on the same day.

If you haven't watch any of it...I suggest start from the first season. Most exciting! And yes....the charming Wenworth Miller.

My Tounge is Fat!

I have never visited the dentist much, maybe once a year for a checkup. Apparently I have very strong teeth and gums. So I never had to face any drills, syringe or even big shiny pliers....till today. And my first had all of the above used at the same remove one of my wisdom tooth that is embedded beneath my gums.

Kinda nervous at first....but hey.....I have been through worse.....and I mean much much worse. After sticking me with 2 syringe full of painkillers, the left side of my face began to tingle and soon I don't feel my cheeks anymore. And here comes the scalpel to cut open the gum.

The wisdom tooth is embedded quite deep and the doc had to use a drill and cut it into 2 pieces to remove it. Alot of drilling and it vibrates my skull. He used a plier and yanked both pieces out and begin to stitch it close.

It wasn't a bad experience....I was in good hands today. And now I have "chipmunk cheeks" for a few days. Haha. Talking funny and spitting blood. Cool.

Selamat Berpuasa.....

Last night was the first Buka Puasa of the month of Ramadhan. A friend Randi and I invited us to Hotel Istana KL for their Buka Puasa Buffet, she works there as the Marketing Comm Manager. FREE makan! Another good perk! Took quite awhile to get there though....with everyone trying to get home for buka puasa.

The buffet is at the Taman Sari brasserie, nice cosy place. As we walked into the restaurant, a local band performing Ghazal, not sure what is that but it was very cultural. When we were greeted and I panned the restaurant, it's amazing big the place was. They are serving more than 100 dishes each day with 8 different menus rotating throughout the month! Sweet! And that makes the RM89++ per person well worth it.

When it was time to makan, we went around surveying the dishes....very impressive especially their presentation. Local, Chinese, Japanese, Italian and even Mediterranean. And at the dessert section, all sorts of cakes and pastries. They even have a chocolate fondue fountain with assortments of fruits and marshmallows for dipping.

After 3 rounds of food....and desserts. I can barely move. Haha. The food was great. Sadly I forgot to bring along my camera for some snapshots. You guys would be drooling all over the keyboard with those pictures. I definitely recommend Hotel Istana for their buffet.

Not filled with Wisdom after all...

I finally got everything settled to go to work next week Wednesday....flight tickets all booked but I had to postpone the my flight to the following week. Why? Woke up this morning and felt a mind throbbing pain at the back of my mouth. Thought I was just heaty, but the pain got worse and my gum started to swell to a point where I can't even close my mouth. By now the pain was excruciating! Even my head hurts.

Went straight to the dentist, after an X-Ray the doctor says that I have a wisdom tooth making a punching bag out of my molar. It grew sideways and pressing against the next molar. And now there is a little infection which is causing the swelling and pain.....whole lotta pain! And I can't even eat now. Cripes! After seeing the X-Ray (which is only 2 square inch)....very small and cute...looks something like the picture below.

Now I gotta take some meds to curb the swelling for the surgery next week. Was kinda hoping that it can be done today. Gonna remove 2 wisdom tooth, the one at the top gotta go too. Fear of future complications. Aiyai yai. Shall take some gory pics of the surgery.

AC leaky leaky...drippy drippy

Was sleeping one night and a sound rudely awoken me. The sound of water dripping....practically sounds like a M4A1 with the silencer attached! HAHA. Turns out that my air-conditioner is taking a "leak" in the middle of the night. Sheesh!

Apparently it was dire need of service. Called the technicians but they cannot come over till Monday. Cripes!

They arrived saviors! They have a new technique nowadays, they service the blower unit while it's attached to the wall....putting a canvas and channeling the excess water and dirt into a pail tied to the ladder. At least it gets the work done.

And room feels like winter in the Sahara! Brings back memories.

Happy Birthday Malaysia! Merdeka!

MERDEKA! MERDEKA! MERDEKA! 50 years ago, Malaysia was independent! And we have came a long way. Anyhoo, it's been many years I have even stepped out of my house for a Merdeka celebration. Usually just stay at home for a movie or at mamak with family and friends. This year is different, there was a International Fireworks Competition held at Putrajaya. And since there will be nice fireworks on display, why not go and enjoy it. The news reported that there were estimated 100,000 people at Putrajaya on the eve of Merdeka!

At 9:15pm, we were on the Kesas Highway almost reaching the Cyberjaya/Putrajaya exit. And there were was a looooong line of cars. I was thinking.....crap! Since we're already here, might as well bear with it. Turns out that the line of a few hundred cars were all queuing for the cash booths. The smart tag line was clear! In your face you cheapskates! LOL. No hard feelings eh?

Didn't look too good when we pulled up near the overhead bridge just before turning into the Putrajaya city center road. We decided to go a little ways and make our way that we can leave immediately after the fireworks. And it turns out to be a wise decision made! At midnight, there were a thousand cars lined up all the way from the city center to where we were. Luckily we were on the other side of the road.

We waited for the fireworks till 12AM, and all of the sudden.....little flares shot up from the horizon.....and BOOM! It has begun! The pyrotechnics on that night was prepared by Japan. It was spectacular! With fireworks that explodes into flowers particularly our Bunga Raya....just beautiful, stars, saturn-shapes and even hearts! Some were so big that when it explodes in the sky, the sound and shockwave took 2 seconds to reach us and even sets off some car alarms! The best was the last string of fireworks.....massive.

It was the best Merdeka ever! Happy Birthday Malaysia!

Watch it all, the best bit is in the end!